Kyoto University/University of Vienna Joint Seminar
On September 11-13, 2023, a joint seminar of Kyoto University and the University of Vienna was held at the Faculty of Law, University of Vienna.
The seminar started with opening remarks by Prof. Mazal (University of Vienna) and Prof. Harada, Nagano and Koziol (Kyoto University) on behalf of the co-organizers and the theme “Duty of Care in Supply Chains”. From Japan, Prof. Shimizu (Osaka University), Prof. Takayama (Kyoto University), Prof. Satoshi Yamada (Kyoto University), and Prof. Shimamura (Kobe University) made reports. The reports were followed by a discussion. After each report, a discussion was held, and a lively question and answer session was held, including by graduate students and assistant professors.
Next year, the conference will be held at Kyoto University.