The Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Law and Policy


Research Activities

Presenting a new form of collaborative research model in the areas of legal studies and political science by integrating humanities and science

While integrating humanities and sciences, the Center aims to offer novel ways of collaborative research on legal studies and politics from the perspective of practically solving issues derived from social changes and scientific and technological development. By doing so, the Center utilizes expertise and insights in various fields, including economics, cognitive science, cultural anthropology, engineering, information science, and medicine.

Switching from post-conflict solutions to preventive measures

Traditionally, legal study takes laws as static and emphasizes solving the problems with interpretations of laws after the disputes occurred. In contrast, nowadays, the legal system is designed to prevent disputes from happening. To accomplish this goal, it has become increasingly important to emphasize the dynamic aspects of laws. At the Center, we aim to provide the necessary interdisciplinary and international collaborative research models that facilitate transformation to this new perspective.

Research on the most cutting-edge issues in law and policy

The Center takes on the research topics of “Artificial Intelligence and Law,” “Medical Care and Law,” “Environment and Law,” and “Society with Low Birth Rate and Aging Population and Law,” all of which are the most cutting-edge law and policy issues. However, their means of solutions, problem analysis, and issue spotting are still under discussion. At the Center, we aim to showcase academic research models related to these topics through interdisciplinary and international collaborative research.

Promoting the research method necessary for the evidence-based policy-making

In order to implement the vital legal system in society to resolve the cutting-edge law and policy issues mentioned above, it is necessary to conduct a scientific analysis of the results of such law-policy implementation in addition to an empirical analysis of the issues. For example, based on the quantitative and qualitative data from empirical research of experimental psychology and cultural anthropology, one can employ economic analysis in order to analyze the effects brought by the implementation of law and policy and scientifically identify the optimal law and policy. These research methods are required in evidence-based policymaking. We are sure that familiarizing young researchers and students in legal studies and political science with the research method mentioned above will significantly contribute to the growth of scholars who will take on the future of legal studies and political science.