Introduction to the Director
Introduction to the Director

Professor Masakazu Doi is a Professor of Constitutional Law at the Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University.
His main areas of research include the theory on the dignity of the individual, unenumerated human rights, and due process as well as the rule of law, judicial power, and constitutional litigation. In connection with unenumerated human rights, he has also conducted research on the right to life and the right to privacy. His publications include: On Personal Information in the Hands of the Government: From the Perspective of Constitutional Law (Public Law Review vol. 75, 2013), The Japanese Constitution Annotated, Vol. 2 (Co-author, Yuhikaku Publishing, 2017), Constitution-Compatible Interpretation in Comparative Perspective (Editor, Yuhikaku Publishing, 2019), The Japanese Constitution Annotated, Vol. 3 (Co-author, Yuhikaku Publishing, 2020) among others.